I assume Max not checking on Lewis was a payback for the Silverstone crash where Lewis sent Max into a wall at 51G and immediately defended himself on the radio. Both crashes were dangerous and both could’ve been deadly.
I assume Max not checking on Lewis was a payback for the Silverstone crash where Lewis sent Max into a wall at 51G and immediately defended himself on the radio. Both crashes were dangerous and both could’ve been deadly.
Guess you never witnessed Aryton Senna before? If F1, race officials, and race stewards didn’t punish him before, then of course he’s going to keep doing it. Place the blame where it belongs, on F1.
Interesting how you sound more scared of annual inspections than you are of cops.
Every Optimus will come with a full time human in India actually making all of the movements that the robot will mirror.
Absolutely. Some of the lobotomies weren’t recent.
It would need to run on the blood of the poors to get his tent to pop.
I’m sure it exists, but I’m having a hard time imaging a scenario where AM is the only comm channel left, and yet everyone’s vehicle is still operational (EMP, gas/electricity, simply owning one…). Not everyone lives close to others, but in an emergency I’d happily disseminate information from my emergency AM/FM radio…
“One final question - how long is the appropriate amount of time cops have to suffer fools who want to be a PITA?”
Yep Hill is 100% guilty of not “respecting the cops authority”.
Big pickup truck from NJ in Brooklyn. Disproportinately violent response.
It’s real weird to for two people to confidently pontificate about an event that happened a decade and a half ago, which neither of them witnessed, on a TV show that neither of them were involved with at the time.
How Ferrari Spins by Chris Harris.
We should absolutely be fining loud babies. Lots of people enjoy the sound of a Lambo, no one is saying “oh cool a screaming baby”
All this to get smoked by a Zr1 for almost half the price.
I would expect that 95% of the time you’re charging at home, over night, at a moderate pace.
The F-150 that it was towing was experiencing the exact same forces on the other end of the chain, and was completely unscathed. Any body-on-frame pickup truck from the last 30 years would have been fine.
Can we point out the driver knocked off the left-side rearview mirror against the hay bales? You can see it hanging on by the cable in the last few seconds.
They are, though... that’s why it’s even sadder.
“after dumping 50k into my 750k suv I can finally beat a 65k suv in drag race” isnt exactly a great bragging position
Agreed, though I will say Christian is probably one of the all around nicest guys in the automotive world.