Simplify, then add beer

A 19-year-old

It is always interesting to look at it in retrospect. From this vantage point, it almost seems like a series of connected successes. To his credit, many of them were.
But, when you go and do something that means you have to take risks for certain rewards, the fear is there, in that moment. Some people live for that

Of course Tesla does extensive testing. That’s what their customers are doing now.

I mean oak trees ARE brown afterall.

Car nerd kills a few minutes on a Friday afternoon reading a thought experiment article by a car nerd. Well done one and all.

The sort of movie that has no blooper reel because all the mistakes are in the final cut and no one gave a shit.

“Is this guy is ever sober?”

And definitely have her correct people on her pronouns like 50 times in the process.

Carl Dune FTW.

You win the internet for the day. 

If you ask maga people what they are mad about at the border they say illegals but if you then point out their orange god has 91 felony charges so there is a lot illegal there, they mumble something racist and xenophobic.

If they had actual jobs they would not have time for this Confederate cosplay. I know too many guys like this and this is how I explain it to people:

“Social Media Influencer” is a viable career in the same way Professional Football Player, musician or actor is a viable career. They are all long shots and the vast majority of people who attempt to have these “viable careers” end up elsewhere. I don’t say this to dissuade people. Go for it if it is your passion, you

When you count on ABS and just mash the pedal, that’s exactly what happens.”

Yelp reviews determining what is almost certainly a billion-dollar project.  LOL.

United States of America:

See: Vinfast for exactly what should be happening to Tesla right now.

> Ferrari shitting the bed and Guenther calling out the bad strategies. It might actually work.

That’s the only sort of commenting he does!

A few more details would really help make sense of the numbers. The grants include purchase of new buses (~US$250k-$350k per) and installation of level 2 charging at the bus depot.