*narrator voice*
*narrator voice*
I assume the problem is disputed ownership because there should be a decent secondary or surplus market for those battery packs.
Talking about hairlines is what got us into this mess in the first place!
UPDATE: Not well.
oh I see; we got one of them hard-shelled tacos
“I’m not in a cult, you’re in a cult” is about the most cultish reply ever, but keep attacking the messenger if it makes you feel better.
I feel that this article can be turned into an excellent slide show of at least 5-6 slides.
Possibly the first genuine positive use of the slideshow format in internet history?
Found the drone trying to convince us everything is alright, and this story couldn’t possibly be true.
Easter egg: notice in the ending montage that Mae (in the bar) straightens a photo on the wall of Geronimo. Sam Malone did the exact same thing to honor Coach in the finale of Cheers.
Competing against Chariots of Fire was a toughie.
they’ll lobby to ban the better chemistry lol
It’s also weird to poop on ID4 as terrible soulless drivel then also bring up MIB2 glowingly
And not a damn thing of value was lost this day.
“...but died anyway”
Criticizing an ensemble show for having multiple plots is like criticizing ice cream for being cold.
I think Jesse should have died to save us from the sins of Transformers 2
JK Rowling on line 2 for you.
*Trump has entered chat*
This episode isn’t predicting anything, it’s highlighting how Bush Jr became president in 2000 despite losing the popular vote.