My mother flew on it, she said it was the least enjoyable commercial jet. But the view out the window was phenomenal.
My mother flew on it, she said it was the least enjoyable commercial jet. But the view out the window was phenomenal.
I remember the first time I drove in California (rented convertible Mustang on the PCH, total tourist stuff). Coming from Australia where the limit is 0.05, I thought it was so cool to be able to drive at 0.15.
We went out to dinner, I knocked back a few cocktails and was still under the limit.
I lived in an area where there was a lot of immigration from mainland China. Lots of people who have only been driving for 5 years, who have been taught from day 1 to reverse in.
Even if you added this to a drivers licence test it wouldn’t matter. People get their licence in small cars, then go out and buy an SUV with a footprint measure in acres.
You just know someone has a screenplay on Zak sitting in their drafts.
Hard hard hard disagree. At least where I live.
So much time and money, why on earth are those seats so out of place?
Bring her character back, but make the storyline about Cara Dune going through a gender transition before saving the town from a racist group storming the space-capitol hill.
It’s interesting to note that some news agencies are calling this “inappropriate controlling behaviour” instead of just “inappropriate behaviour”
I’m wondering if that word was added or removed...
I’m really glad the idea was his, because imagine if some writer had written this character for Weathers? Would have been humiliating.
That was a hard year. Carrie Fisher!
The bit I can’t work out is where we diverged from the good timeline. Was it 2016? Somedays it feels like we took the wrong path a few thousand years ago.
You missed the last part - as boomers (or late bloomers in this case) they’ve had a pretty cushy upbringing. A single low to middle income wage was ample to afford a house and raise a family, leaving you comfortable enough to retire in your sixties and be bored enough to take on the role of right-wing activist.
The RHD conversion is where the costs are. Customers are buying them from showrooms, converted with a full local warranty.
Considering every Urus is driven slowly (aside from some reckless acceleration in a crowded area) it makes you wonder why they bother spending any money on it at all. They could smack an angular body kit and a Lambo badge on a Kia and still sell it for 6 figures.
That’s kinda the point. It’s waaaaay cheaper and you get some of the cool looks and styling
Just to clarify, is this a real depiction or another one of those “Americans save the world” WW2 retcons?