Simplify, then add beer

Just a reminder that Johnson (and Statham and Diesel) had clauses in their contracts about every single punch thrown in the F&F franchise. All 3 were adamant that no one was allowed to hit harder.

Now playing

Flying Clipper aka Mediterranean Holiday is on youtube -race starts at the 2hr mark.

I hope he recovers from the slap on the wrist he’ll receive for his crimes.

Whilst filming Alien they realised how comical the Xenomorph looked walking around so much like Jaws they only showed small bits of it.

Denzel is one of those actors who has scripts rewritten to suit either their personal preferences or just to appease their ego.

The first time I drove on a freeway in the US was in LA and all I could think about was this movie.

The idea is that he’s slowly meant look like Jose Mourinho, regarded as one of the greatest football coaches of all time.

I’m impressed that Sudekis has held his ground on this. You know Apple would be throwing damn near literal truckloads of cash at him to make a 4th/5th season.

Someone didn’t click on the video...

Watching the little tyke doing donuts in his kart made me smile. Hope he realises how good he has it.

Yup, time to wrap this up and starting working on Season 3

The parallels between this and pornstars working on OnlyFans are alarming.

Oh thank Christ, I thought this was yet another remake by a streaming service.

Can we not make this a season where you hate-watch it?

I miss that show. Some of SirPatStew’s best work.

Maybe they’re hoping for the Italian Government to step in with some tax breaks to keep the team in Faenza.

If crappy reality TV (and the rise of Trump’s popularity) was the unwanted outcome of the writer’s strike, what will be this one?

The brutal process this poor woman went through shows why so many men get away with rape.

Judging by the current TV climate this will be rebooted in about 6 months