Simplify, then add beer


No, that is being coupled with a remake of Pootie Tang. Or Vampire in Brooklyn, I can’t remember.

Noted omissions:

Batman has over 900 comics plus decades of live action TV and animation to draw from, with hundreds of characters to play.

Streaming services are strip mining all TV & Movies for sequels, prequels and spin offs. Any sequel will be a low budget affair that won’t make it to cinemas.

They do use an external starter, but can rely on the MGUK to get the car going if they stall on track. It’s rare but it happens. Back in 2014ish Mark Weber didn’t use the battery to restart his car because he thought it was against the rules.  

Isn’t this what F1 have been doing since 2014? Using the KERS system as a ‘starter motor’ if the combustion engine stalls.

I would have thrown gun control and the Supreme Court rolling back laws in there as well.

Plenty of things the US needs to fix before taking that on.

What is with shows getting their female lead to shoot a topless scene in the first episode then never again? First episode of Glow had the same thing, Sarah Silverman’s cancelled pilot had one . Is it just bait to keep the viewers going?

*she’ll be right

Disagree. Much like the McLaren F1, this is designed and geared towards actual drivers. I think you’ll see more of these driven in anger than any Bugatti or Lambo.

Halfway through reading that and I was getting ready to lay some absolute vitriol. Well played

Renner as Wolverine. I could kinda see it.

Season 1 of Heroes was so good. Shame about everything after that.

Exactly. This is Amazon getting in front of any requests to dump him. 

May I suggest to the new owner that he takes out an extended warranty. 

Considering the reason this software exists is not to reduce contrails but to increase engine maintenance schedules, that kinda makes sense.

The cynic in me says it was to keep the weight down.

Everyone’s too terrified of him to speak up.