Simplify, then add beer

Genuinely surprised to not see Sonoya Mizuno starring.

3) You can adjust ERS modes from the steering wheel when you need to overtake

Wasn’t there talk of a Red Guardian series on Disney? 

I think you’re oversimplifying DRS.

Hamilton clearly has veto on his co drivers after Rosberg won the championship. The rumour around the paddock was Ricciardo was in talks to switch from RB to Merc but Lewis intervened.

When he said “Hamilton is trying to pass for the 20th time” I nearly spat out my beer

I’m sure much like Vettel he has a ‘get out’ clause if the car doesn’t perform. However I can’t see his ego moving to a slower team, if he leaves it will be a retirement from racing altogether

This a thousand times.

Definitely the best sprint race we’ve seen, partially because it’s the only time there have been any significant passes in a sprint.

I’m generally of the opion that Janelle Monáe can do whatever the fuck Janelle Monáe wants to do, and I will be on board for it. 

Counterpoint - 720 at the arcade with the big mouse wheel.

I lived in a very LGBTQ friendly area for many years and I’ve never met a gay guy who would be caught dead in those lycra shorts with the padding around the butt. It’s such a weird correlation for people to make.

Maybe you call the cops instead of resorting to violence. It’s not the answer.

There’s actually a weird parallel here - in both instances the cab/crash cell held it together and protected the driver.

I can’t believe I’m writing this, but I’m hoping it’s a health issue. A temporary one.

I’d watch the hell out of that

It’s just occurred to me that someone is probably trying to put together a GI Jane 2 screenplay together. Either that or an existing story is being shoehorned into the Janeverse.

Playing absolute bangers

I would binge that in a heartbeat.