I think they need to tweak it’s effectiveness, but the reality is it works at making passes happen. The new tactics with the DRS line make it more interesting to watch as well.
I think they need to tweak it’s effectiveness, but the reality is it works at making passes happen. The new tactics with the DRS line make it more interesting to watch as well.
Exactly. You have to not like the guy, so Tim Allen was perfect
Who’d have thought we’d have Hulkenberg vs Magnussen in 2022?
I feel like this belongs here
Bringing both replies out of the grey because you’ve absolutely nailed it. See below.
Fun fact, he’s the same height as Zelensky. Don’t height shame!
Now let’s show photos of the women’s volleyball teams so we can talk online about all the disgusting things we want to do to them...
I laugh snorted reading this. Well done
My guilty pleasure is watching this with my wife and mansplaining the shit out of what really happened that season.
I like how this isn’t just the longest limo in the world, it’s the longest by 40 feet.
A quick primer on those who don’t understand Horner’s complaints.
DAS is a good example of that. There was nothing in the rulebook to state Merc couldn’t do it, but the FIA decided it wasn’t in the spirit of the rules.
Right? A few episodes ago he was talking about minimum wage workers getting screwed over, now he has a group of people who wishes they were treated like that.
Any shift towards decriminilisation would be a massive improvement. I don’t know about you but a potential concern about organised crime is a much better challenge to face than having street workers robbed & murdered on an all too frequent basis
Oh shit, did Lando forget to sandbag? Whoops.
Whilst we’re (deservedly) ragging on Tom Hardy, he apparently tells people that after he “trained” with the SAS they said he was so good they could call on him if they needed help.
I feel like this article needs an image of the item in question:
I get the impression that Mercedes have tried to do the least amount of changes to their vehicles this year. Out of all the teams theirs looks the closest to the 2021 model, which will suck if they still can’t be followed at close distances
These look amazing but I’m still struggling to justify the price. Need to come up with some more reasons!
Huh, you’re right. There used be a funny ‘third act’ where they’d buy up someone’s website, or at least create a stupid PSA.