jeff loggens

I can't even begin to say how awful this article and its like are on AV Club. YOU are irrelevant. At least Maher tries to keep up with the times, where you live somewhere in 1993. It's like my grandfather saying I should be more modern.

Which he keeps in a bag for All Hallows' Eve

This guy is living filth.

I don't doubt the veracity of the theory, I'm just comparing it to how I saw the movie and thinking I need to give it another look with all this in mind.

I suppose that does fit into Ed Norton's performance, but I have a hard time relating it to PSH's part in that movie. The NY state of mind to it all didn't seem apparent to me when I watched it. I guess I'll have to look back on it some time.

How is it about 9/11? Curious. I watched it and all but I didn't really get it, so any more elucidation would be helpful.

My fave show on TV right now, I'm sure this episode will be an A like always. Huge fan of Tom Hardy after The Revenant, plus Gatiss in a fat suit.

Might try to make this, but burrito instead, with queso since I don't have Crema.

When they get over it and learn how to market it they'll start winning elections again. It's like the friend who just suffered a breakup, they're mad right now.

This was good.

The movie ends when Beat Takeshi pulls out a Glock and slow-assassinates the whole cast.

More like the Hammys.

…but the Grammy's don't matter….

Like Adam Gase. I think we're getting Mike McCoy back from the Tebow years for OC.

Ugh, oh well. Was celebrating Jack Nicholson butt the second addition, after Ghostbusters, makes this nothing.

Thank you. I would like to see someone else get hired and bring something else to it.

… yay.

It might be the only watchable episode this season.

I … think this is a joke.

Thx for the rec ;)