jeff loggens

I unknowingly pirated this thinking I had missed it because CN hides this show now. It was a very good day, this entire 8 ep sequence was the old show and more. I admit perhaps they've been uneven at times but I adore it. They could stand to replay episodes in blocks like they do with Steven Universe.

Tough superbowl, Brady was wronged for deflatgate by owners who were sad they lost (baltimore, indianapolis) and the Falcons look like the Broncos last year, full of talent.

"Because we couldn't tell that earlier…" ?

Illuminati code broken!!!

Can we make this a constitutional amendment?

Interested in The Circle, for one. Plot seems kind of cool, and Emma Watson.

President Kanye's going to be a cool 2nd black president.

Yah, it makes me sad that CN hardly even puts out for this show anymore, instead filling their airwaves with we bare bears.

I'm so sad this is getting cancelled in a season. This show should get Simpsons-like time, then again it will run the full gamut of the Simpsons prime run, 9 seasons.

What's the special sauce, like a brown butter or something?

Monday? When is this show on, darnit?

That makes sense I suppose, however I would like to see more inclusivity among indies and foreigns. The way you put it I suppose it will always be a popularity contest where the big money wins.

You said it must be an 'American Award', that America needs its own awards ceremony, for which it has celebrated foreign films in the recent past.

What about The Artist and The King's Speech? Directed by foreigners, basically French and UK films, produced by The Weinsteins. So already your definition is wrong. The only requirement seems to be the language—and that's only tenuous.

There's also the Golden Globes.

That's an interesting interpretation, I'd never thought of that before. I tend to think of the Oscars as being more global, and I think it would make our films better to go up against the best of the best.

Foreign films should always be considered among best picture. It's not 1950-whatever anymore and you can watch a film in subtitles. In which case I would easily nominate The Handmaiden, but chicks probably won't dig it so eh.

The Iraq War was a national tragedy, Syria was a world tragedy. This is all more like a casual breeze.

Like fine wine.

Or at least they will soon.