jeff loggens

Why would you kill this place on purpose? I thought this site was pretty neat.

Comment comment comment, etc etc.

Virgin Witch is good, Werewolf in London I have on blueray—very good.

Why, I AM Seth Rogen! Have you heard the good word about Scientology? Did you know you can go to (so and so) to get your Thetan count read? It's really easy! Here's my card… the first reading is free if you give them my name!

You can leave it up while we put up statues of black, mexican etc figures in parks next to them, and also amend the confederate statues with plaques telling of what the confederate cause was actually about and the slave aristocracy that ruled over the running of that war.

'Both sides' is so clearly a paean to Bannon and Trump's crummy base.

Half was. Lincoln had to tip toe to make sure the whole thing didn't become confederate because he knew he might lose the war. Its rivers and geography were crucial.

I tried to watch Trip 2 after barely enjoying Trip 1, and couldn't get through 5-10 minutes. I can't believe there's now a third movie. This is really a TV series!?

I remember friends watching this in college and being uncomfortable with the entire premise, but I didn't understand why at that time. The movie is really stupid, like Mad magazine proportions of stupidity.

Yes, the Republicans really did prematurely ejaculate themselves on the health care thing.

Brad Pitt was his usual glorious self, all hurrah, since Moneyball and 12 Years a Slave, with his 'hurrah liberal American!' moments, but otherwise yes, brilliant war atmosphere and background.

I don't get Nolan drama or criticism, either about dialogue, holes in logic etc. I thought it was a fantastic movie.

I just looked up some of the websites you mentioned—and they include Kotaku, a site that hides its authors from excoriation by comment pending. You should definitely not import comment pending in this scenario, that doesn't work for this community or the satirical nature of your content.

Anti-comment censorship of the web continues until they beat net neutrality and every link or image is an advertisement.

Oooh, good point! Netflix would be very nice. But then again, Daria isn't anime, so would they really go for it? Also, what happened to the original writers? The one guy was all over the Colbert Report, is he doing Stephen's Late Show now?

I have always selfishly coveted and wanted this. But with the current state of MTV? It might be bad.

Nooooooooo. It belongs cancelled. Let's talk about Futurama, American Dad, cancelling Family Guy and The Simpsons—-or how about new shows, Fox? Let's bring it back like it was 1997 and make new things.

Who cares. If they paid them for the audition, then that is pure capitalism and everything is okay. I think we're really insulted that they might have fucked with their minds and didn't pay them. Psychological warfare against the poor should equal some kind of compensation.

Yah, starting the article off with that one… disappointing beer. Am I crazy or did the grapefruit used to be 13%? It's 7% now and I don't touch it. Or maybe I was a lightweight a year or two ago…

Hilarious. What is it with baby boomers and mystery novels?