jeff loggens

I would appreciate a blip and then leaving him alone. He would probably figure out what he did eventually. I just don't like the wildfire aspect of it. Things get out of control and suddenly you're a famous bigot, world famous even. If we can't make mistakes and say stupid stuff sometimes it doesn't ever come out

I don't remember nominating Twitter as the people-police.

To your face.

The political consciousness continues to destroy people for a single misstep. It's not a good line, but obliterating someone for something on the line is another thing entirely.

President Obama subtly slams Trump as Trump begins to erase 8 years of governing and full power transitions to Republican executive, legislative and judicial branches.

I make chili-cheese fries by adding a can of green chili or refried beans and frying it up in a pan with chopped onions, jalapenos and cheese. You can't beat chili-cheese fries and they would technically be soggy anyways.

I've read I don't know how many of these now and each end-year list has been a crushing disappointment, I thought in such a fruitful year as this, something would change. Nope.

Get off my lawn with your artists from 5 years ago.

This list is a Beyonce album away from being just like the NYTimes, Pitchfork, Noisey etc.

(your mom joke implied)

It's fronted by a black guy tho.

Goes to the AV club and gets angry about contrarian comments.

Yuck, don't wan't any of this shit. Surprise surprise, only white hipsters except for a couple token black picks. Sorry to be so cynical but you guys completely fucking deserve it. Please hire YOUNG PEOPLE.

Oh, okay, now I can see it.

Is she a witch?

"it doesn't get more white and evil than Jennifer Lawrence. like. she really thought this was funny…."

Obstruction was a war against Democrats at the cost of the country, and Repubs won. That's just how brutal they fought it.

The great things he did, by far.

It doesn't matter bc republicans won. Sorry.

vs chaos.