jeff loggens

Ohhhhhhhh shiiitttt no he diddddneeet.

Replace, I vote. But cancel, they might.

The Loser's tour.

The final scene in The Wailing, is just completely unbelievable, maybe my movie of the decade.

We've replaced economics deniers with climate change deniers. Fair trade I guess, especially since Obama wasn't as awful as Bush pulling a Dark Knight (burning the large pile of money with gasoline and a match), and he really didn't do as much on Climate Change as we thought because he funded coal throughout the world

The zombies will be alt-right.

I feel like B+ is too low. You can't seriously tell me, and you didn't seem to, that this has major weaknesses like you're putting on. I'm confused in trying to read why you might not have liked it. This was a jolting, harrowing movie, I really could barely handle its twists and turns.

Drown them in a basket, a basket of deplorables!

Yah, how dare they request dignity? Fuck them at all costs!

It should be required like taxes. We could give people a tax credit for voting.

So wait, then he didn't actually rape her, he just concealed it until right before shooting the scene? Or did he actually do it without telling her first?

Guess I'll have to give em another shot someday.

The extended LOTR is great, already own it and been through the whole thing. I don't really get the extras though, I skipped those or they weren't any good.

There needed to be an Akira II or something, I would have liked to see a second adaptation. The world is too big to fill into one film.


Elections are going to become battle of the asshole, even more so than they were.

"49.9% of the country should die"

Does it feature Bruno Mars, should I be excited??

I wouldn't mind them if the cast didn't have to act like they're amazing.

I always thought less about the psychology and more about how annoying her impressions are.