jeff loggens

yikes, they're not really doing that, are they?

non-controversies and the internet that wanted too much.

1. the original GBs was great 2. the sequel ruined that already albeit featuring an awesome Jackie Wilson song 3. this isn't a reimagining, it's cashing in on an original idea from 1984 again because it's apparently impossible to write an original GBs idea 4. people are mad because it looks like they just dressed up

You guys picked my favorite pic from the movie probably, kudos. Heartwarming to see M. Myer's shining face this morning.

I prefer pubs. Quiet, clean lines, at least one decent beer you can count on.

+1 for Monster avatar.

Without him I doubt I'm interested.

That sucks. I was a huge fan of that Godzilla movie. He's talented though so I'm sure he'll make up for it.

blah blah blah Rick and Morty blah blah Venture Bros. blah blah

Let's make all the characters fatter. "Why?" Because I'm fat. "That's not a good excuse, this has to be marketable!" Pfft.

Now do Funeral by Arcade Fire. Then OK Computer by Radiohead.

I kept surprising myself by laughing out loud, especially when I had to pause to get up and get something. I was laughing so much inside my own head I couldn't contain myself in breaks.

But chicks can't do science???

Julia Roberts Paid $3 Million Over 3 Days to Shoot Harriet Tubman Role.

that's just how they come off to me on tv. I'm not saying that they're like that in the lab, but obviously scientists don't translate well to televised entertainment.

All I'm saying is that there is pain in comedy.

that's the problem! he's not! times 1000! it's boring!

The guests are disastrous and the show is too nice. It's a mortifying disaster.

Jay Mohr.

"dark near masterpiece… Brian Eno…" SOLD.