jeff loggens

Another article about how extreme metal doesn't exist and only marketable/borderline metal does. Leviathan is full on blues influence, which is what makes the band mainstream. I really like Leviathan, perhaps Crack the Skye is better (that's the real breakthrough). I'm glad you wrote about it.

The most interesting part was what/when his next movie is.

It has fancy folk music.

This was A-Ma-Zing and likely the lightning rod of the year and the election. I could easily imagine people referencing this for the rest of the year. This came out at exactly the right time. (What with the social conservatism of this presidential election) (Not to mention the supreme court justice pick oncoming)

I was thinking of buying this from the rec store today. Aw too bad.

This list brought to you by AFI.

but plug the album

Good words about writing. I really enjoyed the Monsters movies.

anime often westernizes to appeal more to countries outside of Japan.

Doing the laughing man vs the puppeteer is a good idea. Puppeteer's been done to death, and that series was great and better than the movie by a wide margin, as good as the movie is.

my funky Japanese studio band is way better than my vocals.

dbltake haha


all bowie is great. going to be checking a lot of these out soon.

I was bored.

I like Bullit better. As well as The Thomas Crown Affair and other Steve Mcqueen movies or the noirs from the 60s. As much Drive seemed to try to channel them.

both ogf and drive were and are awful. end of discussion. sorry.

state of the union grade: b-

that's too bad. shame.

It's like losing a part of you. He felt like a part of me. His music was so ingrained in my existence. I didn't even truly realize it until I found out he passed today.