jeff loggens

Already bought, already approved movie before review. These samurai flicks could get to be a habit with me.

Peridot is such a great character, such a wonderful surprise. Yellow Diamond is snoody as heck.

nothing brightens up a week like stevenbomb.

Oh well we've stuck with it this long might as well see how it plays out. :)

Too funny, for at least one month, #don'tcancelSNLyet

My hero. FTW Tina Fey, FTW.

maybe his despair is just despair then, and not entertaining in any way.

haha. yup. that's our corporate pc world right there.

It's all too nice to be comfortable.

*flushes it all down the toilet. None of them are bitter enough for me, I miss Jon and Craig. I wish one of them would find a good drinking problem.

one of my all-time worst experiences in a theatre.

I've seen a couple of these movies and I honestly didn't know this guy was political until you told me. Thought he was just collecting checks.


Gonna' be hard to beat that Tracy Morgan episode, can't believe I didn't watch it right when it originally aired. That's going to haunt the comedy of the rest of the season.

Highly agree.

Under the Skin was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. And so was Whiplash. Pass on this list. :/

Dang, might check out Autumnlands, looks cool. Reading classic batman comics now so maybe I'm ready… or maybe not! Cool list! I also really like that comics are bringing the female perspective into focus and exposure more and more. It feels somewhat revolutionary to me.

BMO used to be an injoke about what a little game machine would do all day, and now he is a real character. I enjoyed this episode. Especially the metaphor for his different selves in the multi-coloured BMOs floating above his head at the end.

huh neat. waiting for Grimes' physical release on cd this week.

orange juice commercial was great.