jeff loggens

Can't wait for this movie, the casting is ridiculous. Also really like movies about the financial sector since Margin Call with Jeremy Irons.


I liked the black sheep. I also like that Ooo is gone.

I didn't go out to see them but they've been quite alright on TV and will gain new life there, I think. (Just desperate for any kind of Tolkien movie, apparently)

The recent guests haven't been my cup of tea. The Colbert world is colliding with the super corporate world and I'm not interested.

B: Nice ep. I have a hard time getting interested in candy kingdom's subjects.

B: Good analysis! I hadn't seen it like that before. Still I felt the episode was slightly lackluster and a bit confused, and when emotional moments happened they missed the cataclysm the show used to have with Sugar.

I wish Pen hadn't quit his control of the show but it's over now. This show is quickly flying into the discard bin.

I dropped out during David Tennant. Loved Eccleston. Did I miss out or did it get good again after Tennant? Honest question.

My favorite ad campaign in a long time. If the commercials were actually like this I might subside to the greatness of the flakes.

So… should I watch Eli Roth movies or not?

This show continues to be amazing. Always puts a pep in my step on the day of a new episode.

I was happy until you said Feb 5. :(

You sold me. Must see immediately.

This episode was dark and depressing as hell. I luv this show.

Only if you do some small harm to me which eventually enrages me beyond all reason because of my inability to express myself.

I hate SNL. I don't even watch it passive-aggressively anymore.

Hey How ya doin'? I just wanted to come by and say that I thought this episode was amazing. Like, "I don't deserve this" kind of amazing. This was their masterpiece. I just pretty much sat by the whole time and was stunned and in awe. What an utterly fantastic, ridiculous episode. It really all came together here. So

Plot, nice.

C: the beginning of the episode and the fact that Sadie as a character doesn't appetize me brought this too low to be brought back again. In a way this episode was really weird. Learning about the backstory of Sadie was almost too intimate for me. The Stephen dance was a very strange boys-in-girls-clothes thing with a