jeff loggens

B: too conceptual.

A for me, and I don't understand the complaints about the 'Stephen' chants. I never really watched the Colbert Report but I could tell from what I did watch that he was acing it. I'm glad to see the whole Colbert formula get a bigger stage, it appears to be just what he needed. The 'Stephen' chants are appropriate, at

TL;DR Women are Ewoks

I'm sad I had to wait so long for a new episode, but I can see why they moved this nightmarish one to September. The whole thing I think was supposed to be surreal to properly place the horror, so that it gave them some length between kids and actual horror. They softened up the blow.

Fallon and Timberlake at the US Open, and then after they play it up they debut it on Jimmy's show. That's interesting.


It was a great episode: A. It made me think a lot on Conan, and what he was missing with his debut and why he was cancelled. He went onto his tonight show like the establishment, like he had earned it. He did not innovate, but rather took for granted that people were buying into his brand of comedy. He did not adapt,

B for me, first bummer in the show so far. But seeing how much everyone else liked it maybe I was just tired. The summer car thing was H-ilarious.

parents should stand up for their rights.


This was the episode where I pretty much fell in luv with this season. They had me at 'get schwifty' and put all to bed with the strange Ice-T capper. "Show me what you got!!!"

"I came in when the rabbi was talking to the priest in the church, before
Rick and Morty had their first performance. So it’s possible that
would’ve changed my take on things, although I’d be surprised. (I did
still get the snake/disintegration joke.)"

I just want to see a movie where Seth Rogen has to juggle eight babies at a time.

I just realized this on Sundays instead of animation domination. Please don't cancel this, Fox, I want to watch it!

I meant after season 5, trying to make a joke, since S5 was so silly. My bad.


I can't wait for this after just seeing the movie. Ed Harris and Anthony Hopkins, sign me up!

People still watch Game of Thrones?

Why is that show still on tv is what I've been asking myself since 2003.

I never understood Dave Letterman. I'm young.