
"Forever stamps are a little more expensive than regular stamps..."

In the pictures I see how much milk, yogurt, egg, and oil is needed.

The location was kind of impossible.If you're departing you don't have time to trek away from the terminals for dinner. If you're arriving you just want to get your luggage and get out. And nobody will wants to deal with airport traffic and parking just for dinner.

Stickershield is a 4x6" film sold specifically for this purpose. I see them on sale at carwashes and Walgreens

Both are true.

Google gives you a list of backup codes you can print out and keep in your wallet. I don't know how other services approach the question.

@Shadow, yes. Think of all the breaches in the news where someone gets a hold of a trove of passwords. Adobe comes to mind.

That's exactly where the phrase comes from. I have no idea why someone would attach it to the candle story.

Vote: Truphone

National Organization for Marriage? NOM? Are you sure that's right?

The older Airport Express G and N do not have built-in DynDNS updaters. Instead you can run DynDNS updater on one of the router's clients (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Linux)

I've been using aFreeRDP for Android and it works very well controlling my Win 7 Pro desktop.

I used Square's credit card processing for an October 2012 sales trip. It took dozens of email requests for help before they forwarded my money in December.

Little extension cables solve that. They start at $1.15 at Monoprice. I think I pay $2/each at my local Microcenter.

It's about shopping, so I wouldn't include Google. As for Apple, while iTunes isn't a web site, it is a huge Internet retailer.

For work I have to copy lots of real estate and tax records from county books. Literally big ol' books, published every year listing every property in the county.

1st choice for me is biking, when the streets are dry and temps are above 30F. I love the exercise. It takes 50 minutes.

I ran Windows Update and received the new Disk Cleanup

One widely forgotten technology which can contribute greatly to your child's ability to interact with other people is called the "Off" button.