It’s actually brand-new. It was ordered with the “David Tracy Signature” package. It has a shockingly low take rate.
It’s actually brand-new. It was ordered with the “David Tracy Signature” package. It has a shockingly low take rate.
Were you recently discharged from the military? Because I recall when you were Capt. Obvious. How’s civilian life treating you?
Dear Lotus:
So, uh, as someone in the market for a 90s Cherokee: is there a good fix for this?
Featuring the hit single “Rust in the Wind”
remember folks, if you can’t find something try looking the last place you left it first.
Shouldn’t it be a “Cocktrail”
US Navy apologizes for disclosing its top secret flight plan for North Korean flyovers
Drag slicks and perfect conditions.
Wow. Both people in omak saw it!
Halfa Romeo. Dur.
You can pry the maple leaf from my cold dead hands. We enjoy our sovereignty, thank you very much.
...but also Mosport!
I Niva wudda seen that coming!
Doesn’t seem like they had...