Yeah, when I was 25 maybe. Now it is just unneeded hassle.
Yeah, when I was 25 maybe. Now it is just unneeded hassle.
Same guy, truly a pioneer. This is a pretty rare colour photo of him.
If it was 11 qts of oil, it would of been a Jag with the straight 6.
David Tracy is to Jeeps as the Pope is to the Catholic church. - Arguably, both are bat shit crazy but, no doubt, experts in their own right. While the Pope is busy rescuing souls from eternal damnation, Tracy is busy saving rust pocked 4.0L’s and XJs from an immoral resurrection in the form of dumpsters and…
Holiday roooOOOOaaaaAAAAAAd
Da fuq?
Accountant? Private hedge fund manager? Big Pharma CEO? Bernie Madoff?
Nope, the post above was immediately accepted too.
Interesting: my post was immediately accepted, instead of being put in waiting-for-review purgatory like my i09 post last month. Is that because in the post above I didn’t call anyone on the staff a fucking millennial?
NPR had at least a couple —if not a series— of articles about ticks and the recurring theme in the ones I heard was that researchers find multitudes of ticks in a mouse’s ears.
When life gives you lemons, you don’t get scurvy.
I read that as your MILF.
My music is great, old people just don’t know how to find or appreciate good newer music.
Waits for the picture $Kaycog will post of a day shift adult entertainer sprawled over a Trans Am, but still showing the ScreamingChicken on the hood.
Two tall plus size chicks wouldn’t fit in a Corvette.
Something something air-cooled, something something purist.
I don’t like Porsche’s as a general rule, but the Cayman is the first Porsche ever that I could see myself owning.
Sadly I can only give you one star but with it you have my profound appreciation.