Wow, look at the size of the front towing lugs in the first picture! :)
Wow, look at the size of the front towing lugs in the first picture! :)
“I fahrt in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!” Nothing?
Okay Donald, back to your room now...
Perhaps the hurricane began with a hail storm and ended with flooding? Written off due to hail (it came first), the flooding is a “bonus” feature... No extra charge!
Looks like a MIG-17 afterburner...
Splendid vehicle! My buddy rolled his into a field when we were about 20. God, that’s a third of my life ago... :(
2011 Ford Ranger, extended cab, 4.0l, V-6, Manual Tranny, 20-30k miles, $12,000 CAD. There is a few on the local Autotrader website which would do the job for him. The extra coin coin could be used for a warranty.
Musta been one of those Thursday morning fog, TL/DR situations. I completely missed the Dieppe reference.
If they made 7500 in Mexico, that means that there are 7499 others out there that are not priced at $55K.
On a hot Sunday afternoon while Mr K is sitting by his pool with a cold brewski and the game on the set, does he jump to attention when the National anthem begins? Nah, I didn’t think so. Same as in every bar I’ve ever been in.
Back in ‘78 my buddy and I knew a girl that had a summer job at Jasper Park Lodge, so we drove across the country from So. Ontario to “visit”. The security wouldn’t let us onto the grounds. I wonder if the 1971 Duster with the fake F-14 Tomcat vertical stabilizers gave us away as not being their typical guests.
In what way do other people have to “deal with it”? It’s only parked there temporarily until he can move it to his farm, so in the long run it’s not affecting property values and to be honest, it’s most likely not affecting traffic except for the odd drunk coming out of the local country club at the end of the dead…
“tattooed morons wrenching on old muscle cars”. Yes!!!
LPT - Save water, beat off first and the video won’t be so fogged up that you need to squint, although maybe you squint when you beat off so that isn’t an issue.
I do something similar, but I prefer a glass of rum or rye to a cigarette - and never when my wife is at home.
As Darryl would say, “That’s a three thousand dollar bill from the hog hunters all day long.
I gave you a star, then I un-starred it just so I could give you a star again! Thanks.
Hmmm that eBay offering is in Dallas... Let’s follow the money and see where that piece ends up. Denton is only a spit toss away.
Does it come in any colour other than Barbie toy blue? Oh, right - Japan. Never mind...
There was always a gap, but “superish” cars were still somewhat attainable to someone who wanted to focus and save for it. A friends brother owned a Dino when we were growing up. He was a car nut but far from rich. Another friend bought a 930T while in college. Yes some “superish” cars still fall in that category,…