
Hmmm, David Tracy. I’m betting here was there to steal, errrrr buy the Willys Jeepster Commando...  

Okay - so now the tough, investigative journalism begins. What did YOU wear and where are the photos?

As my wife would say, “None of this would have happened if she was home in bed at 3am like she should have been”...

This will make some 16 yr old kid very happy for a first ride. Either that or some poorish 50 yr old who has always one since he was 16.

It’s better than the real thing. I’ve had one for 5 years and love it. Try knocking over your BGE on a patio and see if it survives...

It’s better than the real thing. I’ve had one for 5 years and love it. Try knocking over your BGE on a patio and

Got to the first photo, saw the 917K Gulf in the background and stopped. I can sleep soundly tonight. Where is Steve McQueen when you need him?

Wow, that first photo looks like the start of the BassMaster Classic except it’s on the interstate. Amazing.

The real question is: “What’s he got under the other rag beside the Marauder?”

Oh, I thought he said it was a car, not that, that, that go kart.

Voted CP just because I liked saying “Funk That”.

So what’s the plan? Drive it to Denmark, ferry it to Iceland, wait for the ice bridge to Greenland to form, then cross. Spend the summer crossing Greenland, then an ice bridge to Newfoundland/Labrador and down the 401 to Detroit? Sounds like it might work...

And the interiors look like the upholstery is installed inside out.

Wow. The dog days of summer... :)

Have you got Polycarbonate splash panels down the side? More detaqil pics please?!?!?

No Excuses...

Worked with a genuine “c__t” of a guy in my first ever job. He was senior VP Sales and hated by absolutely everybody in the office. He owned a gorgeous, Mustang Pony convertible that he would drive to work about three times a year. White with red trim and lots of leather (non-original?), completely restored. A real

Has NASA chosen this as the ground service vehicle for the next gen shuttles? I see what you did there.

$1.29 CAD a litre for premium here today. That’s about $4.15 USD a gallon. So kwitcherbitchin about Brooklyn...

So too small for a dead body then... Wonder if the liner can be pulled out and hosed down.

I was thinking more of shooting up through the roof of the truck bed when you punch it to climb the ramp. Bonus points for landing clear of the front bumper of the truck...