
Buddy, get some shut-eye!

A. Not shocked.

A Sentra - I’ve rented one.

it’s very distressing to imagine Gase’s overall internal body chemistry.”

Unless there’s a Whole Foods at the top of that ramp, I fail to see the real world application of this ability. 

As a child, chicken pox got vaccinated against Zlatan.

Found the Apple employee

We get it, you love Apple and hate Samsung.

They’re very easy to lose, I’ve lost probably 3 of them over the years. Now they’re not included at all.

Republican versus Democrat is too tragic of a comparison. Instead, I’ll go with arguing about Apple versus Samsung/Android is a bigger waste of time than Yanny/Laurel, Blue/Gold dress, and the rabbit/duck photo combined.

This just in:  MARKETING

Yeah, I knew the more recent ones haven’t. Thanks for the confirmation that the first one(s) did, though =)

Apple Users, collectively: “We had it first”

Well, on a positive (?) note, stand alone DayZ is and always has been hot garbage, and it’s 8 years late to the party to boot.

Only if you name them Ricciardo and Hulkenberg

$90k? For that kind of money I can get an ultra-low mile Integra GSR

Am I the only one who mutes his phone at night to avoid calls/texts/messages from psychos like this?

I sleep 8 hours a night, spend time with my wife, don’t answer e-mails off hours and I’ve NEVER been fired by the Dolphins.
Check and mate, shitbrains.

I’ve gone the other way. I sleep 13 hours a night and I’m in the office max 3.5 hours a day. Two naps in the afternoon. I’m crushing it—average performance reviews two times running, honorary mention for best lunch co-host for recruits.