Oh come on. You know for a fact that myself and everyone else complaining about the non manual option can’t even afford these cars if they were offered in the US. That’s like me telling the dentist I’ve been flossing.
Oh come on. You know for a fact that myself and everyone else complaining about the non manual option can’t even afford these cars if they were offered in the US. That’s like me telling the dentist I’ve been flossing.
Of course not. It was all too convenient
Way to be a jerk. I am slow clapping for you though.
Source: I searched for a very long time and then bought a lightly used wrx hatchback
What...I didn’t know they made an R version. That is beautiful. (Also I’m sure DSG is great and better in every way, but I still don’t want it)
Too long; didn’t manual
Yea, but at least the child didn’t get autism....
Lolwut? I am not fairly certain what I just watched but I was smiling by the end. I like how he switches hands and still puts it in the pocket (terminology?). That was cool
I think Burneko changed his article a bit, but I got out of it he wants his butt eaten by GS if they lose. So secretly I believe he wanted this
They actually discuss that in the following article
Shame the ad doesn’t state - “No low-ballers, I don’t know what I have”
I would think to catch anything dripping off the engine while stationary
Yea but now what are people going to blindly share on facebook “just to be on the safe side”
“We’ve never misled a market before” - same VW business analysts with editors correction
I really dont see the big deal about the guy calling you “baby.”
For the few times a year I drive to VT (usually only on 89), it’s more of the NH/MA folks that stink up the left lane that I see
I think some highways in Mass/VT have the good wording. But I see your sign more often than not
Also let’s call it “Keep right except to pass”. I prefer it over the slower traffic but your point still stands
I prefer “Keep right except to pass” but agreed
Can’t wait to attend that awards night. Here’s hoping they do longest broom award
Haha yup. The other crazy part, I was let into lanes I needed to get into more than I was blocked. I loved a lot about driving in Germany