
You used a whole lot of words to avoid answering a simple question. i apologize that I missed putting in the question mark but assume the second to last sentence is a question. Answer that

It certainly wouldn’t hurt

Let us also limit all top speeds in cars to the max limit in the country, right?

Apparently they couldn’t unless they knew the sleep mask manufacturer had a patent to make eye holes....ugh

So what’s the fastest speed limit in the US? 85mph in Texas on one particular highway in Texas or something? For the sake of argument we will call it 70 which seems reasonable. Shouldn’t car manufacturers be held to your same standard because they are knowingly providing a car that can go faster than the max speed

Hmm thought i would see this-


I cannot wait to strip my Cummins

Not that I care, but scrapping the cars isn’t the be all and end all. VW has options last I heard.

Easy with the logic there pal. That has no business on the internets.

For instance, if I stole $100 from you, that, on its own, would make me an asshole. But I think we can agree that if you stole $100 from me first, then my action is really just getting back what belongs to me. So, we can then extrapolate that if the circumstance instead was that you stole $50 from me, and then I

Based on the title alone, this seems like an easy VW joke, no?

I didn’t realize Pastor Maldonado drove a Lexus

Can we stop with the notion that because VW did “X” it is within our right to do “Y” as long as it’s equal fuckery. We don’t live by the Code of Hammurabi. If stripping the car down to bare metal is what this guy wants to do, then whatever. Don’t sit here and tell me that he “can” do it because of what VW did. We

The mustang driver only had insurance that could cover up to $100,000, not the R8 owner.

It falls into the safe emissions range

It’s too bad they had to kill off Group F so soon

It just seems like such a strange partnership. Like, was an exec at KFC reading the classified and decided to answer Manor’s missed opportunities ad?

Well at least he won’t be driving faster than the conditions allow, unlike every driver in the snow where I am from

Hahaha...what? I am glad he got his dream car. However, I was merely pointing out that prior to him knowing that he got his dream car, he put his hands against a car that he did not know was his. But thank you for telling me how I feel based on what you assume I am saying.