Nice well good luck. They are fun across the power band. Very sorted and starts pulling quickly. Just missed AWD for snow or else I’d still have mine
Nice well good luck. They are fun across the power band. Very sorted and starts pulling quickly. Just missed AWD for snow or else I’d still have mine
Agreed! Coming off of Jak and Daxter, Jak 2 was such a crazy and good departure. It felt so huge compared to the original. What a change between two games
CP if only for the license plate holder that says “Hater gonna hate!”
Yup, and he put his hand on it to take a picture early on
‘99 Mercury Tracer here. Can confirm
It pains me that he put his hand on the hood to get a picture with it. At that point he didn’t know it was his yet
Don’t forget to properly warm up your seat belt before unclipping it.
Yea but it was ok because he yelled, “500!” first.
Being Australia and all, shouldn’t it have created upforce?
The true Habs would be calling for Palmieri to be arrested. They’ve gone soft
Ugh, more like a Golf ARGGGG
Got to leave enough time to argue with the manager over that clearly expired coupon
I think you’d be over budget, and you can’t afford the staff of people you’d need to keep that steering wheel running. I’d start with a lug nut instead
Filed under Oldie but goodie
It was a great looking game, but for me it just felt too flat. Coming off of Revelations and the climbing in that, ACIII just didn’t scratch that itch for me personally
That is amazing
Coming home from the mountain during a snow storm one night in Maine and some idiot decides to jack on the brakes to try and make a right turn I assume he was about to miss. My friend driving had to similarly slam on the brakes. Unsurprisingly both cars slid and my friend managed to point us to the side of the road…