
Close to bumper. Seems to be more of the I ride in jeans type of rider that I see it. Interesting info about not being centered up. Never would have thought of that.

The sad part is that it doesn’t make a glorious angry noise when they accelerate. The not sad part is, it would not have accelerated that fast if it did. I am emotionally torn

Are you sure? I see them all the time making the left lanes safe from speeders on the highway. They are the hero’s we deserve

Hahahahaha. This made me laugh way more than it should have

Question. I’ve noticed some riders who get really close the car in front of them at a stop sign/light. Like less than a bike’s width. Is there a reason for this? These riders strike me as the ones you shake your head at when you see them, but I don’t ride and am curious.

I know someone who is boycotting the NFL because of Roger Goodell and the Brady suspension. This seems like a far better and real reason to boycott.


This is all i see

Great, now there is blood trickling out of my ear. Why? Because it seems just as plausible as whoever designed this

Thank you I had considered that. I decided to still post it because the seller is oddly specific about where he sourced his wipers from and talks about a timing belt/water pump change, however he doesn’t even mention he does scheduled oil changes? Had he mentioned that, I’d consider that he probably did it due to the

Even back when I downloaded a pearlescent painted Eclipse from Kazaa, I don’t think I could’ve ever imagined such lunacy. It’s a scale tipper

Hmm, replaced timing belt and water pump 42k miles earlier than the maintenance schedule suggests. I wonder which one went. Thank heavens it’s stage 2 though, right?

R32 wipers you say? NP all day. Wait no just kidding. I think 5k would be more reasonable, but that’s me personally.

South Park approves

Hahahaha it is absolutely the embodiment of that phrase

Starred because I agree and because of Always Sunny username 

That’s not entirely fair. They do that with all Subaru’s.

Edit2: Oh my god the hood scissors too?

“Too many mods to list” is my favorite. I would never even go look at a car that says that. If you are too lazy to list them out, I want nothing to do with it. Actually, I want nothing to do with it regardless of if you listed them out.