
I have a pipe for you. This dude wants 18500 for his rebuilt engine ‘06 WRX TR with huge scratches in the bumper. I don’t care how many cold air intakes you can bolt onto your engine, it ain’t worth that money

It’s a Subaru thing you wouldn’t get it....Just kidding kind of?

I owned a paint peeling ‘o4 wrx wagon years ago, and I didn’t understand this. I would get people revving their engines at me, a newer cobalt with a fart can coming the other direction turned into my lane like he was juking (ironically his license plate was “Slobalt”), and the aforementioned BOV noises. I don’t get

The picture makes me think it’s some sort of special pedestrian safe bumper for Mustangs.

Irrelevant but wanted to post it anyways

DRS accidentally opened. Those rally lights though..that’s what kept the front end down

Is it safe to assume Bosch will be providing the ECU’s?

hahahah! My ‘10 gti head unit likes to do its own thing once in a while. Sometimes it won’t turn on, other times it’ll be stuck on a screen. Oh and don’t get me started with getting bluetooth to play music. It must be a windows OS running it (i can make that joke, i fix windows computers all day)

I felt silly using an app to quit, but for me personally it helped. I knew how much I was smoking a day, and how much it cost me a day. I used “Livestrong” to quit. The big draw to it was that I didn’t want to just quit one day (I had tried that so many times before), I wanted to step down over the course of a couple

Think about the fun we could have with an office pool though. What has issues first, this high strung VW power plant, or any of the electronics in the car? My money would still be on electronic gremlins.

Haha yup that’s where I’m from. Brake lines were good and stuff. Needed new brakes and rotors after I bought it though. Rotors didn’t want to come off. Brake calipers came off without too much fuss though

I didn’t actually think people would really read it or care haha... see above comment to marshknute. That should include what I should’ve written in the first place

I finished the thought in my head. I was trying to make judgement on the owner and the car to see if i should take the risk and buy it (spoiler alert, that failed). Him wanting to lower it made me question if I should buy it from him. I have nothing against cars being lowered and think they can be cool, but they

To be fair a lot of it was stuff that would need replacing on any other car and one incident was my own damn fault. Bought the car with high miles (96k). List is roughly in order of the stuff breaking/being replaced in a year and a half of ownership

Buying a 10 year old WRX in New England. While making casual conversation with the seller at my mechanic before buying it, the seller casually mentions how he wanted to lower it but never had the time. I should’ve walked away right then

Wow...Ryan Tuerk would’ve been proud of that corner entry.

I worked IT for a K-12 district...nothing prepared me for how sick I got the first year repeatedly. After that it was not too bad. And yes... I stopped worrying about touching little kids computers where you could see sneeze spatter. After a while it just doesn’t matter

Pepper in a few Note 7's and you got yourself a redneck 4th of July

volatile memory

Hey Kirk,