Can’t look away
Can’t look away
I couldn’t believe my luck when it hadn’t been said yet
Hahaha yea I’d say so
So far I’ve only read the headline, but in answer to the question it poses, it was clearly Nico
I would say for security’s sake you should have her upgrade. It’s just like the end of life on any computer’s OS. After a while they don’t support it and you miss critical security patches. However, I understand that is not always a quantifiable reason for somebody to accept why they should upgrade.
Looks like the start of the hardest disc golf hole I can imagine. Stay to the path or your in trouble coupon anymore. I was literally just talking about getting one of these this morning with my girlfriend. coupon anymore. I was literally just talking about getting one of these this morning with my girlfriend.
Now I have to close this tab because I am laughing too hard at work. Thanks
This! It took me a long time to realize I had developed a semi hate for my father and just snubbed him a lot when he didn’t deserve it. My mother constantly put me in the center of things, which made me angry at him without realizing it. For reference, I was 15 when they divorced suddenly. It took me until my final…
Someone needs to gif up him putting his shades at near 1:13.
No idea what you are talking about
Yea I thought it was too. Was excited for new levels
Since this is directly going back to my comment. Yes I was trying to be funny. I was also reminiscing about the times I had to drive my mothers example of a RAV4. It was not a pleasure. It was also not used for rally. It was good at being a car though, but only a car. What rally drivers do to cars, purpose built or…
Not going to argue my ignorance with you Dusty. I’ve read enough of your comments over the years to know better. I was more thinking of the disdain I have for the few times I had to drive my mothers ‘04 RAV4 (I think that was the year). Not the above example haha. The above example and the right driver...well better…
I assume a Black and Decker toaster with wheels offers a similar experience to driving a Rav4 for a portion of cost. If you are lucky, you get the model that automatically detects when bread is in and starts toasting for you. Manual brown toasters are out of style these days
I didn’t play tons and tons of game growing up or now, but the Jak series will always have a special place in my heart. It was probably my first real series i kept to. It was also one of the few games I ever replayed (all 3). I would love to see a Jak 4 some day even though it would probably be terrible haha
I don’t think Tavarish would even touch that one for a dollar
Holy shit...I did the same thing Mojonaut did. I never noticed. For a minute I thought for sure you photoshopped that in
Yes... if my definition of wagon and hatch are the same as yours, then ‘02-’07 were available as wagons in the US if i recall correctly.
thank someone who used to pay attention to all pro snowboarders of his prime era I am quite confused