
Subaru 22b STI

It’s always been wait and see
A happy day and then you’ll pay
And feel like shit the morning after
But now I feel changed around
And instead of falling down
I’m standing up the morning after
Trains get fucked up and turned around sooner or later
I could be another fool or an exception to the rule
You tell me the morning

thank you, i was hoping for this

I resemble that remark. I’ll have you know I was a Psych Major who now has a successful an IT administrator.

You missed a perfectly good opportunity for a SAAP joke

First, how did you even find that video? That must have been a serious youtube hole that started with a funny cat video


Reduce gravity and add lightness obviously

That felt sarcastic. Honestly, I was just trying to point out where the comment came from. Nothing more, nothing less

It’s an SNL reference I believe from many years ago. “Jane, you ignorant slut” I don't actually know it beyond that line.

I mean, I knew there was a loose definition of a “shifter” there. I just did not think it was actually possible. That’s cool you got to sit in them, I’m sure it’s like being a kid in a candy store (except you can’t have any candy).

That’s nuts! thanks for the info

I never watched old F1, or any Indy. I just started watching F1 last year. I know how they shift in current time. I was asking about the video that Declan posted, not current times.

Ok stupid question...where the hell is the shifter. I mean i see him reach down to the right, but I can’t comprehend being able to shift in that space. I’m also guessing it wasn’t sequential?

From afar, I kind of like it? Question mark was purposeful. One second I think it’s cool, and the next I’m not sure.

Do we agree though that the Renault yellow is very nice?

I’m no expert, but I’ll wager the blinker-fluid master cylinder

Hahahaha. Nasioc made me fear putting oil in my, new to me, WRX I had bought a few years ago. It was an ‘04 that had about 92k on it when I bought it. My first oil change i opted to go synth. I burned through it so quick (or leaked) that I never did another one of those. Still worried that my engine would blow up