
I haven’t been on oppo for quite a while, but I had always wondered what SR20 meant. I did some looking for an explanation, but all I could come up with is that it meant pics. In short, thank you, I feel better knowing where it actually came from haha.

Oh god, I accidentally did

How many pages were stuck together?

This feels COTD

Thanks for responding! However I will not thank you for what has done to my wallet and willpower in the past.

Thanks for responding! However I will not thank you for what has done to my wallet and willpower in

I can’t say the new look is easy to read. It is very overwhelming to look at it. If I’m reading quickly the only deals that I pick out easily are the amazon ones. The others get lost in the noise. If they are embedded amazon ads, you may want to give amazon it’s own bit of the page exclusively.

I can’t say the new look is easy to read. It is very overwhelming to look at it. If I’m reading quickly the only

This is not to provide argument/counter-points. This is just in case you have not been there yet. Formula Freak provides a lot of in depth look at it that is easy to digest. Again this suggestion is ignoring everything argued above.

I don’t know if this is something you do, but this is in addition to sakisaki6's excellent advice. Don’t have a visible alarm clock, and don’t check the time during the night if you wake up. A lot of my anxiety came from going to sleep and waking up in the middle of the night. I’d try and calculate the time I had left

This was a lot of the source of insomnia for me in college. When I would finally get to sleep, I’d wake up a few hours later if that. I would proceed to look at my alarm clock and try to calculate how much time I had left to possibly sleep. I would then get anxious again. Since then, I’ve learned to stop counting the

I was terrified both times. I know myself all to well for being impatient when I’m excited. Disaster does sometimes strike.

Ha I did the same thing.

That sounds a lot like Mass. Waze would probably just have to report that every road is one giant pothole.

Gotcha. I would also agree with the 1+ hour for internet/media deployment upgrade. So my only anecdotal evidence comes from clean installs where I’ve made bootable drives and am not waiting on those other factors.

Fair enough, I was a bit quick to jump on that. I didn’t think you were talking about deployment

Longest windows install?? I cannot say I know what you mean at all. I’ve installed windows 10 on HDD’s with 4gigs memory, to SSD’s with 16gigs of memory. None of them took over 20 minutes to install (were also faster than windows 8 installs). From i3's to i7's. The intel compute stick I just bought at work only took

For the record, I am guilty of at least 3/5 of those things from the inexperienced driving years. Looking back, I don’t know how that Mercury Tracer survived my teenage years (Don’t know how i survived either). Furthermore you hit the nail on the head for at least the first reason why people do it.

I love that video so much. It sent me down a youtube hole of burnout fails one day.

tell me you made that .gif

As a super casual hockey watcher and bruins fan (I watch maybe two games a year but still root for them), I came here hoping to see this and was not disappointed. Thank you.

It’s a hybrid...ferrazondagini hybrid