
Does it happen if you try and load any save? The reason i ask, and it’s a long shot, but my brother was playing another game that crashed on start up after loading his most recent save every time. I tried a slightly older save and his game started working again.

Looked good until i tried to do the Sleep button. I can’t get it to work in windows 10 for the life of me. Could be a win 10 thing. I have never used rainmeter or anything before, but i caught up pretty quick. I tried to edit the ini file to lock instead of put the computer to sleep, and I can’t get that to work

Sorry 7850*

I am really enjoying this game, but as others, I am having an issue with massive frame rate drop. I even bought a newer/shinier graphics card and it actually got worse I think. The Institute location is terrible as I see 30 fps swings. Granted this happens in a lot of places. I am not a serious gamer by any stretch

I appreciated this. I don’t think kniga understands broken watch jokes.

I didn’t notice this was a Doug article until I read this, “even if the accident involved an industrial forklift and the 707-horsepower car was parked four blocks away. So you’re careful.” After that I didn’t even have to look up when I finished laughing.

I am wondering if Audi’s S4 timing chain problem counts. Having to remove the engine to get to the timing chain (even if it hypothetically was never supposed to be a problem)

Came here hoping to see this. Was not disappoint

in the reborn flesh

This is begging for a PSI joke

Fantastic. I once had a 2000 Legacy 5 speed wagon that ate oil. I also did not do much to take care of the oil situation. Stupid thing didn’t die and never had a head gasket issue. Now, it had a gamut of other issues but you get the point. Before i get flamed, I had a rex after that which I religiously did oil changes

Well done haha. Also, the Labyrinth is awesome

I think the exact opposite can be true depending on who you are a fan of. Regardless, I will not argue that the clearly better driver in the Merc is Hamilton. He is bordering on robotic right now and looking like Vettel in the Red Bulls of a few years ago. He is not making mistakes

Fair enough. To me it just seems kind of dick-ish but that’s me. And don’t take that as me trying to justify Nico either.

Sensitive? No. I was asking why you thought it was innocent. But because this is the internet and things like tone and meaning are often guessed, i can see why you thought it was sensitive.

Throwing your cap at the guy you pushed off the track in turn 1 was rather innocent, but throwing it back wasn’t? How is it innocent that the champ throws a cap in his teammates lap who was also racing for the championship? Please explain or please tell me you are trolling.

I wish I could be Travis for just one day. When I was still watching snowboard movies, no one else could capture how much fun and beautiful it can be all at the same time. His movies have always been awe inspiring

That’s it, That’s all was so good too

BYOD stands for a scary environment in which IT departments are allowing in to the world. It stands for (at least as I know it) Bring Your Own Device. It’s cheaper to allow users to bring their own personal devices in to use on a work network, but also scary as you now have to support whatever oddball thing they got