
It should be noted the F-150 passed on the right as well before the mustang was switching lanes

Don’t spoil it, we all know that the Pat’s are being investigated as we speak

Easy there Chewie. They haven’t been able to pin the Hardy stuff on the Pats yet.

I tried to sell my 2010 GTI yesterday and they told me they won’t even put a number on a trade-in for it. I leave the dealer and cry to myself, thinking about the WRX I could finally afford, but now can’t

Thanks for sharing! That sounds pretty damn cool. I’m kind of a sucker for reading through log files. It must feel pretty badass to sit in on a stakeout (at least the first few times). But I do appreciate your last bit of information. I do not think I could distance myself from that.

Uhh... the bittering agent alone in that is enough to make me want to eat ghost peppers. And that was 6 years ago and i wasn’t trying to inhale. A roommate thought it would be funny to spray it in the air. At work we have dust off and probably something like the DataVac you mentioned. The DataVac thing makes a crap

Did you go to school specifically to do that? Or did it start as a hobby, and if so what were the things that got you in to it. Was it a cool tool you found that recovered lost stuff or I dont know, something to that effect.

It’s all subjective but i find Torpedo to be excellent and their Pale too. I also find their Oktoberfest to be much less sweet than up against something like the Sam Oktober. I don’t do a ton of craft beer shopping but i usually can find the Sierra Oktoberfest and Sam Oktoberfest in a lot of my normal stops. I will

How on earth do people figure this out

I was the first responder at a car accident outside my house late one night (i did not administer any aid, but I called 911) and all i can say is that I liken the time spent on the phone with 911 as a complete black out. I have next to no memory of how the conversation went. I do like your advice and will try to

For what it’s worth i thought your COTD should’ve gotten $kay. That was good stuff.

I call them Pace Cars

I see the exact opposite. i wish they were. I call them Pace Cars in NH. They are always in the left lane going 65 making sure everyone else behind them is saving the environment with them

Seems to easy haha. I will now be trying this thank you!

What is the consistency of the scrambled eggs when cooked this way? I’m no egg connoisseur, but i can tell you soft or mushy textures make me gag. I really want to try this but if it is even remotely mushy or runny I will probably die

It was right about the time I started the car up and heard a bang and repeating slamming as if a belt was slapping around. Turned out, my timing belt pulley went and took my 10,000 mile old timing belt with it. Will never not do pulleys and tensiors again.

I was so happy when they released a new CD. It’s really good. Reminds me somewhat of their old stuff

As a New Englander that really could care less about watching organized sports, that made me actually laugh out loud. On that same note, I don’t even know why I’m reading this as I don’t care about organized sports. But well done, I actually laughed at a deadspin comment for once. I guess I just enjoy sports drama and

that’s totally fair. As i was typing that earlier I went, “well i’m sure i wouldn’t stand a chance in ranked.” I am not much of a competition type online player. I play casual with the occasional beer fueled rage fits. With that said i found it hard to justify spending the money to get a controller hooked up. I just