
My thought's exactly on the bimmers. I don't think it is safe for them there

Someone send this footage over to the appropriate highway patrol station

And the stanced community is now wondering how they can get Jalpa wheels to fit on their whips

At the end i was kinda hoping to be rick rolled...not going to lie. I think it would've been fitting for all the cocaine

I'm glad he's ok, but watching him roll around a few times after he got pulled out made me think one thing. "Help me Tom Cruise!"

Eh Derry ain't too bad. Least you aren't in Trashua

I'm pretty sure it was one of the late 90's that I drove so makes sense! Hahaha that's always a plus

ah makes sense thank you for that. I love the last line of the first part of the article. "If the angle is high enough, the bike is moving fast enough and the rear tire slips and regains traction suddenly enough, the rider has no chance of preventing a highside."

I don't know enough about them to disagree! I will however take back my original statement about it being 4 doors. I watched again and it definitely looks like two

I das not understand. I bought my used WRX with the tires balding on the inside lip. Every turn was horrifying. I bought the best summer tires I could afford and were happy with after a lot of reading. I have never been happier. Please add brakes to your list of things people don't find important. Warped rotors don't

It sounded like he left off the throttle when he started the slide. Had he stayed in it and controlled the slide would he not have pendulumed?

I think it was an 2.5RS. I really wanted it to be an old 22b STi but it had 4 doors, and I think they only had 2. Regardless, that car with the go fast bits of an STi, and yes please and thank you. I love that classic look

I don't know a lot about VW and diesel's, but I do know i drove a 90's era diesel Jetta or Passat and it was a ton of fun. I can't remember which it was, but it had that vw "notch-y" gearbox that I have a weird liking for, and torque. Can't be that bad man!

So you have an Evo guy and a Rex guy all writing for the same car blog... dinner party's must be a hoot! Stupid boxer engine...yea but center of gravity.

I was really surprised they weren't wearing gloves

Agreed!! I bought a used 04 WRX hatchback that had an STI badge. Screw the guy that did that. Took that badge right off and gave it to someone with an actual STI

Can't tell you how many users get insulted when you ask them if they rebooted...then they do, then it works

response image is over played but necessary

I watched it a few times because I didn't believe he was doing that. And every time there it was, the throttle blip