
Pre 2006 WRX or STi lets say.

Just to see how it feels?

Oh man, my coworker always makes sleeve of wizards references and it is so gross but so excellent

Might have to sell a kidney now...thanks

Holy crap that thing is twitchy

Damnit. Someone needs to edit Darwin's hand to be right on his forehead

Do you know what NEHMEHSEHSSS means?

It's a bird catcher...duhh

I can't be a hundred percent certain, but the guy driving the car might be wearing a bow tie. 10/10 would watch again

I think they model most QOTD's to have Miata as the answer. The problem is I never wanted a Miata until I started reading Jalop, now it gets worse every QOTD

This ones my favorite. There's a supercharger hiding under there. Nice dude and good photographer

Couldn't have been the U.S. The ostrich wasn't in the left lane

Jason Thorgalsen, is that you?

Excuse me while I go throw out my black with red logo DC shirt. Where's this dude's flat brim for the record

I was so hoping someone would make this comment. Well done

You think the cutlass has the same license plate it did when it was stolen two decades ago? Plus if it was in paint why would the plates be on it?

I think they did in the late 90's but I'm pretty sure it was japan only. Granted I'm guessing you think it's lame now and not then

I believe in track and field they call that a triple jump

My girlfriend, who could care less about cars, even laughed at that episode