
Hahaha I'm glad someone made that comment.

I love the one dude that flipped before even getting in to the corner at about 1:35. His car was like...well no fuck this

Camry owners are very grounded to the ground

Interesting. I always just assumed they would cool down quick. Thanks for the info!

Wouldn't they cool off rather quickly though? Or do those tire warmers super heat them

Didn't know about the Ferrari in the wet bit. I just wrote that down for use in future bragging. Thanks!

Don't be fooled by the scoop that I got. I'm still, I'm still Kenny from the Block.

please let that be a joke that is flying like those doors over my head

WTF on the subframe bolts...I didn't know that was a normal thing. I went to put new sway bars into an 04 WRX and this is exactly what happened. I was shocked

Ugh try driving a 10 year old New England Subaru (interchangeable with Toyota). Bonus points if it was owned by someone prior who thought they were a rally driver. Everything is rusted and breaking

I know what I'm buying next. My phone in rice incident involved enriched rice...That stuff leaves white residue over everything on the phone. A piece of rice expanded and broke apart in my headphone jack too. It has since been removed and the phone has worked great for over a year. But anyways, if you are going to use

I have always had an idea as to why lifting is bad, but this has probably been the easiest explanation (so thank you for that). Now god forbid I get in a situation where I have to tell every instinct in me not to lift, I hope this will guide the go pedal.

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My mind is so full of what...a quick wrx ls2 swap search yields others that have done this.

uh...I must have read a different article. I don't recall the Bawston Sawx complaining.

Hahaha right. I only do that when there are other people in the car. never on my own

How about the elusive 2nd to 5th shift...I managed that one once

That makes me feel better. I tried it once and thinking about it I probably just happened to be doing it when someone else was voting

Because you can hit refresh and vote again and no I was not personally doing that was just curious if it worked

especially if its proceeded by WOT halfway through the early stages of the turn