To weird to live to rare to...wait never mind it died
To weird to live to rare to...wait never mind it died
Is this what happens when a GTR and LFA mate? I'm ok with it
It's important to hate change no matter which form it comes in
I don't want to burst your bubble, but at least the few years after college it doesn't get much better...I can't even afford the picture of a v12
No but it will feature him being helped off the court after a bloody nose
What part of Massachusetts was this again?
Holy...that's horrifying
I must've missed the trans am but definitely the other two! The neon takes the cake for me I think
Tomorrow's question should be the top ten clutch burnout videos. I have some good ones
To un-avoid please hold it with your hand
It's definitely not in the best state. I actually bought it and have been enjoying it. I'm looking forward to where it will go from here. The creators are really just looking for the early players to tear the game apart and find where the bugs lie. At least that's the impression that I get.
The mod was built off of an existing game. Now the people who built the mod went off and are making its own game instead of just a mod. The game is in alpha and has a long way to go before its a finished product
Ugh...he even does a Tindy. Which is the joke grab of the community.
You must have the best job in the world
Yes, yes I have. I felt like everyone was on crack but meth might explain it better
I believe it. Driving in America can be pretty scary too
I have questions. Was the first car towing the second? If so why the know what, forget it.
The 3rd video had two gems in it. The civic coming by braaaaaping, and the guy holding the tow rope even if just for a minute while it was getting tension. He obviously never watched the following episode of Top Gear