The 3rd video had two gems in it. The civic coming by braaaaaping, and the guy holding the tow rope even if just for a minute while it was getting tension. He obviously never watched the following episode of Top Geaer
The 3rd video had two gems in it. The civic coming by braaaaaping, and the guy holding the tow rope even if just for a minute while it was getting tension. He obviously never watched the following episode of Top Geaer
They would bonk/tap it, but good on math
Hahaha! good, old mars volta
In college we had set up a hand rail for snowboarding next to one of the campus buildings. It didn't take long for a cop to show up and ask us to knock the jump down and leave. He was actually very nice about it. This was good for him because as he backed his car down the path we heard a small tree take off his side…
My first car was a Mercury Tracer. My second car was a '00 5sp Legacy Wagon. Guess what car I wish I had started with. The legacy was far superior for educating. I learned to really understand how to deal with snow, gear shifts, etc. Though, I was also a tad bit older when I got the Legacy and more interested in…
This...i was wondering this as well
Surprisingly absent from his tweet was Hamilton's dogs, Roscoe and Coco.
Well that pretty much answers my questions!
I have so many questions...primarily where the heck did that toyota try to drive through
Regardless of the fact that I read the comments about the prop...I still think this ship's captain may be the same as the first video.
Also makes me question what that job posting looks like
Regardless of the fact that I read the comments about the prop...I still think this ship's captain may be the same as the first video.
Also makes me question what that job posting looks like
Give it some time...it'll be back...they always come back
71 comments and not a mention of Miata? I think you have a winner
Good lord that has to be the fastest go-kart I've ever seen
Didn't Reagan have a Subaru BRAT too?
Thank god there is no snipers in it...I'm sure there could be someday but not now
I've never been a hawkeye fan from the neck up but neck down I am totally ok with. I love my blobeye though even if it is a little strange
Anywhere in New England-
Yes I did miss it and I apologize for that. Couple adult beverages makes internet commenting not smart on my part.
Hold on, did I see a renault 5 turbo hiding in that garage?