
Haha i agree with you on that! I got my slightly beat up 04 WRX for just under 8 grand and that was the best i could find for the condition

I saw a 2004 Subaru STI sedan with over a 100k miles on the clock being asked for $20,000 on CL.

It will be called the BMYOTA iM Camry 3. With its copious amounts of available horsepower it will spin tires as it cuts everyone off. Then old people driving mode will engage bringing the car to a slow crawl before it rear ends the person stopped at the red light.

I have so much want right now...even as an automatic. What a gorgeous wagon

I must have that wagon with a 5 speed if it doesn't already have that!

Commence Tanner gripes.

My brain did the same thing. I had to re-read it a few times

I think the Caterham going oppo in the corner should have came with a NSFW tag. Everyone in the office is giving me funny looks

I don't know why I recommend this comment but I think it's because it shows how stand up jalop writers are. The simple admission of "...I can't really blame them..." seems too human for a writer. I guess I'm rambling and I guess I appreciate Mr. Orlove making sane responses on the Internet. Usually people just argue

the jenson "button" cracks me up everytime

Hopefully not powered by apple

Holy crap there were two people on that bike in the number 1 video. Why would you ever drive like that with a passenger. Anyone recall that video of the moped driver crossing into on coming traffic while failing to navigate a turn with a passenger?

Now playing

I nominate this lambo driver. He spins out at a left hand turn after goosing it when the light turns green. Then proceeds to ride the clutch in correcting his error which in turn leads to what I believe is roasting clutch smoke briefly.

Reason number 500 why it probably doesn't stink to be Mr. Caswell

Personally I'd rather see a Tacoma "Raptor". I do love the regular Raptor but to see a mean Tacoma off the factory floor would be awesome

I think you are right! If not definitely the aftermath. If you have a netflix account i know it was up there a month or two ago. That's where i saw it. I hear thats a good flick. Warren did all skiing right, or some surfing too?

Totally agree with that haha.

I had the same feeling when i watched it. That Motocross dude, Mouse i think his name was, win's the manly award

This is the first time I've really looked at Laferrari and all i can say is that it is like an Enzo and a Zonda met out for some karaoke, had a few too many drinks, and 9 months later we had this. I'm not at all saddened by it either

When did they start making aftermarket exhausts that play dub music?