Jeff Frank Gore

Deadspin with another bad Anthony Davis take

This is the correct take, yet Deadspin for some reason feels compelled to run with this narrative that it is all the Pelicans’ fault. It’s myopic and has been thoroughly debunked. If people want to criticize the Pelicans for not building a good enough roster around Davis, reasonable minds can disagree about that. But

I think the staff is trolling us at this point. I hope the staff is trolling us at this point. 

“But if Gentry is looking for anyone to blame for creating a toxic environment in the organization, he should look at the executives above him, who first refused to honor Davis’s trade request.

he should look at the executives above him, who first refused to honor Davis’s trade request and then decided to have him float in and out of the lineup for unclear reasons.

I just don’t get it guys. Anthony Davis tried to force the Pelicans to him to LA for a bunch of scraps and the Pelicans said no. All of those players are somewhere between butt and potentially not butt. It also came out that all the leaks were actually from the Lakers because they’re idiots. I still don’t get why the

All of this information is obvious, and I don’t know why this article clearly ignores all of it just to stand by Deadspin’s pro-labor (as long as that labor is millionaire athletes) agenda.

The guy goes “I demand you blow up this team midseason and wreck the future of the franchise by not being able to get close to fair value for me, because I demand to go right now during the season instead of after it” and the people responsible for the toxic environment are the executives who quite correctly told him

And a better talk show host than a safe sex haver.

It’s part of their Privacy Policy changes.

He should have saved the offers, then signed them both at once. Boom...22 years and $550 million!

You can tell he clearly knows he didn’t get all of it. And flips the bat out of frustration. This is a terrible post. 

And here we go.... Six months of relentless bitching about unwritten rules.

It kind of almost looks like he’s upset because he knows he didn’t get all of it. Am I crazy?

Sports Deadspin covers well, ranked

I liked how the moment Giannis stands up, all the normal-sized humans around him kinda back off like he’d just tapped on the glass of their fish tank.

Nice way to turn a piece about an all-time great player into a demonstration of East Coast Myopia.

Agreed. That video shows him grabbing for his own phone, and then the chair slowly topples over and she harmlessly falls off of it as she maneuvers to prevent him from getting his property back. It’s not a pretty image, and I don’t think either of the people involved are acting like adults, but he should be arrested

He’s a big asshole probably, but the video didn’t really look to me like what I think of when I hear “dragging her off a metal chair”. He grabbed at the phone, she lost her balance trying to hold it away from him, and the chair started to tip. Neither of them should be ripping the phone out of each other’s hands but

Now playing

Here he is, viciously knocking her to the ground.