Jeff Frank Gore

1,000 times this.

I don’t think the narrative people are pissed off about from your and Burneko’s coverage has to do with the quality of reporting sources.

I don’t think it’s possible to defend Burneko’s ridiculous coverage of this saga without being a Deadspin homer.

Thank you for pointing this out, anyone who disagrees with you is just towing the company line. 

Windhorst was asked point blank by Rachel Nichols if the Pelicans were leaking the trade discussion in order to humiliate the Lakers,

An embarrassing organization? The one that had just swept the Blazers the prior year? Demps isn’t the greatest GM, and he signed some stupid contracts, but, hello, look at the league. Its full of terrible contracts. Trading for Jrue. Trading for Cousins. Trading for Niko. Those moves were good moves, regardless of

Demps put together a playoff team with no depth to protect against injury, and your line was that they didn’t deserve AD.

I think the problem is that you guys (multiple articles) were leaning hard on this, rather than merely reporting on reporting.

To be fair, I feel like this is in response to the “Just Make the Damn Trade” piece by Burneko arguing that the Pelicans were morally bound to take the relatively rich Lakers offer. Probably one of the worst takes I’ve ever read on this website, but not attributable to Chris so he shouldn’t bear the weight of it

This site has never given Windhorst that kind of journalistic authority before.Now he’s giving “delicious scoops”???  Doesn't wash.

I don’t take any issue with you regurgitating big stories that you read from tweets and other websites. That is obviously a big part of what you’re supposed to do.

lol that fuckin sucks

Probably the mustache.

“at least one other unidentifiable bill”

So make it!

Since the Manfred presser, the (correct) hot take has been “owners are evil for not spending enough money to try and win,” and you’re opening with “let’s turn MLB into the NBA, and have all the great players go to the biggest teams?

Hey man, when you’re offered to trade a generational talent for a core of a .500 team, you TAKE IT!

Yea, a lot of this rests on the unproven assumption that there was a deal to be made—one the Pelicans would have been foolish to turn down—but nobody could get that far because the Pelicans refused to negotiate in good faith, either out of spite, incompetence, or some mix of the two. But...what if they honestly
