
What he is probably saying, Old Chum, is if something is successful, Hollywood rarely just leaves it on a shelf. They will try to squeeze as many nickels as they can out of it.

Aren’t Brock and Colin in the same category, garbage QBs who both had huge paychecks who are now out of a job?

They have uncomfortable relations with a rival order:

They’re referencing the 3-barrel laser pistols from The Cage.

I’m sure they exist, my view of humanity is not so high that I think they don’t exist, but I genuinely haven’t seen a single comment saying how having a woman Doctor is a bad thing.

“I used right teach a class to seniors about internet usage.”

People say the most awful things to people with cancer. Well, they say the most awful things all the time to everyone, but you really notice it when you’re covered in scabs from chemo injections. A friend of mine looked me deeply in the eyes and asked, “What have you done to bring this into your life?” I told her I

Isn’t that kind of sad that he felt he had to dump a white woman because his own people would shit on his image? I’m actually really intrigued by the Tupac letters because he really was a brilliant mind and didn’t get enough credit for it at the time.

I know nothing of her music but I must admit, she has my respect for doing that.

Potential colonization and space mining. Lots of money to be made.

Rocky Horror, obviously. While he’s played for laughs, the female character is anything but a motherly surrogate.

I had no idea this existed until this weekend, and now I’m so glad I do

Anyone paying attention knew this was coming. You can’t expect to get access to everything for a few bucks a month.

I imagine we’re in for an expansion-and-contraction cycle. Right now every media company expects you to sign up for their individual service. This obviously won’t work, and a bunch of them are going to crash and burn in the next few years. At which point they’ll end up selling their content back to Netflix or Hulu

Or Moffat is heading for the door laughing his arse off because Bill is exactly what she appears to be — and he knows nobody is going to believe it.

Not familiar with her work. She does however, have an absolutely amazing face.

Not being familiar with this property, my mind went to a very different Rom, who’s cool and all, but I’d prefer a movie about Nog.