Jeff Chabotte

This is all a misunderstanding. The biker didn’t break the glass because he was filming the Hell’s Angels. The biker broke it for filming in portrait mode.

Yeah... I get it. Its super easy to make fun of Tesla and the perceived playthings of the rich they produce. But Tesla deserves way more credit than this article alludes to. Tesla is even now a TINY automaker with production that doesn't even make a blip on the radar compared to GM, Ford, Toyota and other major

I'll take SNL any day over watching you.

I'm pretty satisfied with my 2.8". I know it's quite small, but I can almost completely enclose my hands around it without it poking out. I've never hurt myself accidentally sitting on it.

Why the hell would anyone want to imagine Young Anakin?

Is there anything better than a fast sedan?

Very true. Every once and a while the Germans go on a world domination kick and things get weird...

It's the DeLorean. Always has been, always will be.

Micheal Bay. The only man voted most likely to masturbate to explosions.


I'm so sick of Northwest Arkansas and how they're in bed with Big Fiddle. It's like they don't even care that you're not a bluegrass band, they just see a violin and assume you're a threat, even if you're just a 3-year-old Chinese kid. Don't even get me started on East Tennessee and banjos. They shot Steve Martin

Ford doesn't have to do anything... Ford did this thing dodge is claiming is their idea 50 years ago.

Go on...

Here's your instant loophole:

The next mod is a ticket dispenser. The longer the drift, the more tickets come out. Save them up and trade them in for a prize!

Griff Tannen's hover 633 CSI. Dig that retro modern look!

Griff's hover converted 633csi roadster from BTTF2. I just love that car. Edit, just look at the hot rod fads they got right, the flat black paint, rat rod, unconventional car starting points due to the increasing rarity of conventional hot rod starting points.

Runs on garbage, nuclear powered and flies. Pretty futuristic in 1985.