Jeff Chabotte

"Can't". all those mods are highly illegal.

What do you do when you've done it all? Cannonball..

yup, i am!

Nice pic of my BMW!


My '98 V70r, in Saffron!

Put it in H!

Correct me if i'm wrong.. but don't fireworks go "boom" much in the same manner that guns do?

Watch the movie: "Corvette Summer" starring Luke Skywalker.

prepare for more jealousy.. It's a Saffron.

I love my '98 V70r! would take anywhere!

What? no facegram/twit-vine?

I'd take my '98 Volvo V70R! That ad is pretty accurate.. cuz Lambo doesn't make wagons. (yes, i know they have an SUV on the horizon, but that doesn't count)

Well shit. If he's that much of a Back to the Future Fan, I'LL JUST GIVE HIM GRIFF'S BMW FROM PART 2. Of course, he can pay it forward immediately back to me for $50K for which i'll acquire said Delorean and then bring him "sweet bitches"

Fast and Furious 8: The Search for MOAR NAWSS

So that "thunk" we heard wasn't really the other car actually hitting our driver? I think you miss the meaning of "Dodge" which means "to avoid" in which this case, didn't happen.

Isdera? "Is there a "? Apparently so!

the real offense here is vertically orientated video!! Please inform your friends that landscaping makes a better video!!