Jeff Chabotte

My '98 V70r, in Saffron!

Put it in H!

Correct me if i'm wrong.. but don't fireworks go "boom" much in the same manner that guns do?

you can see the bulge in the front of his shirt where he's placed his real arm. The vest does nicely to hid the end of the fake arm.

This needs more Michael Bay.

I would trade your soul for this.

I think i want to spray this on my car.

It's that darn Dr Seuss again.

Watch the movie: "Corvette Summer" starring Luke Skywalker.


it gets to your mouh faster, no arms required!

prepare for more jealousy.. It's a Saffron.

Came here for this.

Location of secret hatch to let party-goers in.

I love my '98 V70r! would take anywhere!

What? no facegram/twit-vine?

I'd take my '98 Volvo V70R! That ad is pretty accurate.. cuz Lambo doesn't make wagons. (yes, i know they have an SUV on the horizon, but that doesn't count)

This is what is for!

"Ezel"? this thing turns into a Turkish crime drama? Why not "Easel"? either way, brilliant!!

Sometimes the act of prepping to cheat can lead to actually learning the material! almost like osmosis!!