Jeff Bercovici

Thank god I’m a librarian. The day they enforce a ban on Easy Spirit shoes and threadbare cardigans is the day I turn in my retirement papers.

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

I’m sure even the Marvel fans hated what happened to Batman and Superman in BvS.

Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.

Perhaps he is basing it on the answer Adolf Galland gave Goering when he was asked what was needed to finish the Brits: “a squadron of Spitfires, Herr Reichsmarsall.” I do agree with you that the two planes were more evenly matched, and the fuel injection system in the 109 was clearly superior to the carbureted Merlin.

You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.

I hope you’re laughing because you think I told a funny joke and not to mock me and lower me as a person. I didn’t tell any kind of joke but it’s better than the pure, vile rudeness that I fear was your intention today

An incredibly rude display. Please take this post down.

I don’t think the inherently violent job of being an NFL player and your job creating TPS reports at a desk is an apples to apples comparison.

I find this much, much less creepy that suffocation.

I just want to know how it travels faster than light with sublight engines?

Rex Ryan desperately wants to know why the Bills traded away Marshawn.

am i fucking going insane or is this completely logical?

Identifying the line is a sticky question, yeah. My thinking: Whether or not a person is “well off” is all relative. Take your NYC salary—comfortable, I’m sure, but nothing to fund a life lived large—and move it to Detroit, and you’re rich. But that doesn’t matter in the context of registries (or it shouldn’t); you’re

Who on earth suggested that it was in any way ok to walk up to black women on the street and touch their hair? That is an extreme example and not at all what I was talking about. That could never under any circumstances be acceptable. To pretend that there is no difference between that and what was actually discussed

Here's some nuance! I'm (largely) anti-Chait's article, you're (I assume) pro-Chait's article, and you're doing the exact thing Chait was complaining about (taking a single non-PC thing I said in my article - language implying that minorities are homogeneous, single-minded groups - and using it to angrily discredit my

"always, always" is incorrect. It's more like 90% of the time, which leads many people (read: Jezebel writer and commenters) to ignore the legitimate 10%. Kind of like how most people ignore the 10% of thoughtful, rational self-identifying feminists because 90% value ideology above all, same as self-identifying

Thank you. And hey, lots of women feel this way too so can we stop it with the intellectually lazy habit of dismissing everything we don't like by saying it was written by a white dude, so there's no way there can be anything valid about anything he says? It's that kind of immature, irrational siege mentality that

Jia, honest question: If this article hadn't been written by a guy, what would you have based your rebuttal of his arguments on? Because I'm a woman but I basically could have written that article. I tend to feel the same way as this guy and I agree with him that while I agree with the generally noble intentions

I truly hate the term "political correctness," but the thing is, there's a grain of truth under all this. The internet HAS produced a chilling effect among leftists, especially aggravated by social media and how easy it is to tweet "Kill yourself" at someone who makes an honest mistake. Writers, comics, satirists, and