Jeff Bercovici

“and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.”

Posted this on George Dvorsky’s post, hope it’s not poor form to reproduce here.

Radical life extension will also bring desirable social consequences, such as an increased concern for personal responsibility. Given indefinite lifespans, we might start to behave in a more sustainable and environmental manner knowing we’ll still be around a few centuries from now.

I am so sick of that guy getting credit for my work.

Could be. His techno-optimism is pretty sincere, though. If I’m him, I’m a lot more worried about being THE public face of mind-boggling wealth concentration at a time when resentment among the have-nots is belatedly coming to a boil.

Definitely not that. Zuckerberg is an AI panglossian who gets cheesed off when his more paranoid peers, like Elon Musk, talk publicly about the possibility of an evil Singularity.

Seriously. And with his family in the car, too. Doing that and then bragging about doing it is some real next-level stupidity. (And praising him for it is a whole other flavor of stupidity.)

So you’re saying the guy whose Twitter bio shows him posing with a Captain America shield likes the new Captain America movie? Didn’t see that coming.

You’re missing an obvious possibility: Luke is just following the example of the only Jedi mentors he had, Obi-Wan and Yoda. He’s living as a hermit, trusting that the future Jedi he’s supposed to mentor will seek him out.

On what are you basing the assertion that the Me-109 was “certainly worse than the new Spitfire”? I read “The Battle of Britain” a while ago, but I recall something about the 109 being able to out-turn the Spitfire in the hands of an expert pilot (of which Germany had more than Britain, owing to the Spanish civil war)

What’s more likely: that women who work at ESPN are disproportionately likely to sign up for a cheating website vs. women elsewhere (because no way are 20% of AM’s users women), or that many/most of those women were unwittingly registered by their male coworkers, who obviously know their email addresses and have a

I think you’re onto something. This news immediately made me think of Ronnie Lott and Trevor Wikre heroically ordering their doctors to cut off their fingers to get them back on the field sooner. That would be pretty nice spin for JPP, especially if he was going to lose the finger or substantial use of it anyway.

Your experience is exactly what I hate about weddings. The industry and the cultural conventions are all set up to funnel us toward making expensive choices that don’t really reflect who we are.

I suppose I came to believe that was a polite and normal thing to write to your guests because 85% of the countless (well, 30ish) weddings I’ve attended have had a similar message for attendees, and they’ve all been traditional affairs.

That brings up up a whole different conversation about “need” and wedding gifts. I’m not telling you anything you don’t know, but the point of gift and registries in the first place was to help a young couple set up their first household. For grown people who already have all the things regular people need, expecting

How is a $125 cutting board or a $100 pair of walkie-talkies evidence of a rich couple putting their less-rich friends in an awkward position? There’s all kinds of shit on here at all different price points that someone could feel good about giving. There are definitely presents only a rich person would give, but

You’re reaching here. I look at this and I see a mix of expensive items and affordable items. Yes, an $800 bike is a very expensive gift, but it’s not absurdly expensive for, say, a family member, or several people going in together, or another rich person. (I’m guessing that among the guests at this wedding will be a

The fellow wearing the tie is none other than Matthew Yglesias, and he is a known dandy, which is to say the sort of person you would expect to be a reflexive wine snob/pocket watch aficionado/gold-headed cane devotee.

Time Warner isn’t a “cable giant” in the same sense Comcast is. Time Warner Cable is a separate entity and has been since 2009, the same year Time Warner spun off AOL.

The joke is on all of us. Adam Sandler movies are so shit-crammed with product placement, they make money before anyone buys a ticket. That fleet of candy-colored Mini Coopers means this turd can bomb just as badly as his last half-dozen movies and he'll still get paid whatever he wants to make another one. I