Jeff Ban

Your use of big words automatically and probably categorically disqualifies you as a suitably unbiased skeptic with regard to this study’s applicability to the layperson. The Ancient and Mystical Rites of Science therefore grant me the authority and obligation of sticking my tongue out at you and saying “nuh uh” in

Drink tea.

They left out my favorite, the 1955 Graflex Graphic Jet. It was a 35mm camera featuring automatic film advance powered by a CO2 cartridge. It made a distinctive Psssshhhtt sound when operating.

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.

it was a good joke

I’ll offer this ray of hope. Probably won’t get out of the greys, but it’s worth saying.

Your observation about the name is both new and fascinating. Please tell me more as you must be the first person to notice the connection between Soylent and the classic science fiction film.

I don’t understand your comment. On the democratic side we now have multiple DNC chairs resigning for corruption and rigging the primaries. Eric Schmidt from Google may soon resign as well for trying to brainwash people into making the “right vote” according to him

Could not resist.

If you’re worried about a date ditching you over what kind of phone you’re using you’re:


Not at all sad about this. TV shows no longer have to go on forever to be fondly remembered. Even some shows that got cancelled were more substantive than the monster hybrid of artistic vision and economics that last for 8 or 10 or 28 seasons. Looking at you, Frontline.

I just have a Canon SL1 but can get decent night images with my Rokinon 14mm f2.8 lens. The key is an aperture of 2.8 or lower. One of the issues that a lower end crop sensor camera will have is noise though. I run into noise issues at 1600 ISO. A lot of milky way pictures are shot with much better cameras and an ISO

No, Arizona is not wet enough to be the devil’s butthole. I’ll take 110 degrees and 5 percent humidity over 95 degrees and %90 humidity any day of the week.

put cookie dough outside in the sun in the morning. Then when you open the door in the afternoon, boom- cookies.

At first glance, I read "ambitious" as "amphibious" and thought that this was even cooler than it is. Still a nice looking ride, even if it won't go on the water.