The day will come! That Yeti is a sick bike too.
It gets easier to justify when its your main form of exercise and keeping me from getting fat. haha
The day will come! That Yeti is a sick bike too.
It gets easier to justify when its your main form of exercise and keeping me from getting fat. haha
MMM Bronson. I picked one up 2 months ago. So. Freaking. Awesome.
I would rather just have an 80 inch 4k tv in my room to use instead of looking at the lie that is my "balcony"
I would say its even more rare for a company that employs journalists to let them talk argue with the readers in anyway they see fit. It's my favorite thing about Gawker.
Well that definitely takes some skill there. The GIF makes it look like it happened way faster than the video, but still skilled none-the-less.
I have a cocker-spaniel that likes to howl like this. Always intriguing and entertaining.
Yes, it's crowded, but the network is vast, everything is super clean and if there's a delay, the person responsible prepares for a seppuku immediately.
Do people actually like the way that Lexus looks? No thanks. Not a fan.
This might be his greatest moment ever.
As awesome as this is, I feel like these are the people that give a bad rap to diesel engines, which is seeming a large part of why american consumers in general don't like those "smelly, black-smoke-spewing, weird sounding" diesel engines.
I feel like if someone gave me the option between this and a similar priced BMW, I would take this for sure. Maybe insanely expensive for a truck, but damn what a truck it is...
Definitely check out the CB300F for a good first time commuter bike. Great price, good pick up, good mpg, comfortable.
I'm looking at a picture that has been taken of a display, displaying a picture that has been taken and it still looks incredible.
Right of the Tesla playbook.
I have these at my office building. Just has a FOB sensor on the inside of the window and it opens up the frame portion. This is what it looks like.
When I'm flying up the grapevine at 2,000 rpm doing 70mph power feels pretty good to me. I suppose torque is the better word.
Even less-than-smart people can make good decisions occasionally.
Mmm Jetta Wagon TDI.
Very true. A lot less lag time getting the POWWEERRRR to the wheels.
Can't wait to see Clarkson yell, "POWEERRR" while behind the wheel of this.